Officer Nominations

Officer Nomination Forms for the 2022-23 are typically published around January 1. Please check back to nominate a candidate!




2021-2022 NCBEA Nominations and Election

Due April 15, 2021

The North Central Business Education Association (NCBEA) is seeking nominees for three positions beginning July 1, 2021.  The are: NCBEA President-Elect, NCBEA Treasurer, and NCBEA Regional Membership Director. Descriptions of each position can be found on the NCBEA Website (

 The Positions:

NCBEA President-Elect. Serves a three-year term (president-elect, president, past president) on the NCBEA Administrative Board. The nominee must be a current member of NBEA and have served at least one full year on the NCBEA Administrative Board. The term begins July 1, 2021.

NCBEA Treasurer.  Serves a three-year term on the NCBEA Administrative Board. The nominee must be a current member of NBEA. No prior experience is needed on the NCBEA Administrative Board. The term begins July 1, 2021.

NCBEA Regional Membership Director.   Serves a three-year term on the NCBEA Administrative Board. The nominee must be a current member of NBEA and have served at least one full year on the NCBEA Administrative Board. The term begins July 1, 2021.

The Process: Nomination Form may be found on the NCBEA website (

 Nominations may be sent via e-mail or postal mail to Rhonda Schmaltz, Nominating Committee Chair, on or before the deadline (April 15, 2021). Notification (application) of nomination will be sent immediately to the nominee after the nomination has been received.

  1. Applications for all three positions: Nominee Agreement Form may be sent via e-mail attachment to Rhonda Schmaltz, Nominating Committee Chair, on or before the deadline (May 1, 2021). A signature is required.
  2. The NCBEA Nominating Committee will make the final selection of the nominees whose names will appear on the ballot.
  3. By May 15, 2021, the ballot will be distributed. The deadline for voting will be by May 30, 2021.
  4. The person elected will be notified within one week of the voting deadline.